Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529

E&CS Bldg., Room 3107
vganjigu AT cs DOT odu DOT edu
(757) 683-7797
CS 795/895 Intelligent User Interfaces
Thursdays 9:30 am - 12:15 pm
ECSB Room 2120
Course Description
This research-intensive course will focus on intelligent interactive systems, and is intended to expose students to the cutting-edge research in this area.
This will be a seminar-style course, where 2-3 research papers will be discussed in each class. There will also be lectures to cover fundamental topics in this field.
This course is project based, and students will be expected to work in teams to design, develop, and evaluate intelligent interfaces either for desktops, smartphones, or wearables.
The students can freely choose projects that align with their research interests, and also propose custom projects as long as they satisfy the course requirements.
Office Hours
Thursday: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm and by appointment
Speech Interfaces and Personal Assistants
Wearable Computing
Crowd Sourcing and Crowd-Powered Interfaces
Augmented Reality
Interactive Question Answering Systems
Intelligent Interfaces for Smartphone Interaction
Intelligent UI for Assistive Technologies
There is no official textbook for the course. The course content will be based on research papers published in the premier conferences such as ACM CHI, UIST, IUI, and the following seminal books:
Grading Criteria
Class Participation: 10%
Class Project: 90%
Project Literature Survey: 20%
Project Plan: 20%
Project Prototype: 40%
Project Report: 10%